Major Rookie Rep - Roster Update - APRIL 22/17, News, Major Rookie Rep, 9U, 2017 Season (Lucan-Ilderton Baseball)

This Team is part of the 2017 Season season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 22, 2017 | Chad Papple | 1263 views
Major Rookie Rep - Roster Update - APRIL 22/17
I would like to thank all of the players who have attended the tryout sessions so far for their hard work and determination.   Great job by everyone who participated.   

Below is a list of players who have been selected to attend the final tryout session scheduled for this coming Wednesday (April 26 @ 6pm) :

Ryan Broughton
Blake Dove
Ethan Elliott
William Harding
Ryder Migchels
Keaton Papple
Matthew Rodgers
Dylan Salter
Nathan Schram
Dylan Sheaves
Nathan Slaght
Lucas Van Steensel
Ryan Walkom
Max Weber
Andrew Willis
William Wright
Please note that we expect to practice outdoors on Wednesday at the small diamond behind the Lucan Arena.  Please ensure the boys dress appropriately - and please continue to wear the same jersey number.

The final roster will be posted Wednesday night after the final tryout session.
If your name is NOT on the list above, you will be contacted in the near future with an update regarding your team for the 2017 season.
I wish everyone an enjoyable and successful season !!
Chad Papple